

My name is Ben, and I’m a software developer. I have a passion for creating data driven games and applications, that also are as customizable and ‘moddable’ as the user would like them to be.

Creating a product is one thing, but the ability to have potentially endless content created for that product is what I belive, really makes a product flourish. Look at Skyrim for example. Years ago now it was released, and still tens of thousands of people play it! Why? Mods! I haven’t been a hard core ‘modder’ myself - althought the concept is something that I really love. I’ve played around with Unity and other Applications I’ve developed in my spare time to try and make a customizable experience.

Data makes the world go around. Without it, how can we possibly know all the things that we do? I think it’s a very cool thing to be able to store data from one thing, related to some other thing, and do something with those things, to make another thing! Or make one thing do a thing to that thing! Data can be complicated to work with, depending on how deep you’re getting in to it. But I love data. I love making data do something with other data, and representing it in different ways. And the way you can open it all up when you throw the customizable experience at it? In theory, anything can be done, at all! Which is why, I love Data and Customizable Experiences.